24-Hours Emergency Line

+237 620 40 77 86 | +1 202 894 5911

Goodwill Foundation was founded in 2020 as a grassroot non-profit charitable organization. Goodwill Foundation operates with the single-minded focus of educating, creating, supporting and empowering the vulnerable groups in the rural communities of the North West Region of Cameroon

Using a community centered approach, Goodwill Foundation aim to Support the Vulnerable groups focusing on Education, Wealth Creation, Shelter, Food, and Basic Health Care emphasizing on gender equality to transform human societies with creative capacities that make long lasting differences

We are building an inclusive society where basic needs and rights of the vulnerable people are recognized and respected

Our Area of Operation

Goodwill Foundation at the moment serves the communities in the seven divisions of the North West, Region of Cameroon, (Menchum, Mezam, Bui, Donga, Momo Ngo-kejia, Boyo.)

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