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Scholarship Application Period Ended


The Application Period for the Goodwill Scholarship 2024/2025 was between September 2023 to the 28th of February 2024

The Scholarship is offered to pupils and students of

  1. Primary Education
  2. Secondary & High School Education
  3. University (Undergraduate)

Both girls and boys can apply however, to be eligible for the scholarship, you must meet the following requirements

  1. You come from an underprivilege/poor family
  2. You must  age 6 to 20 years at the time of application
  3. You must also come from a family of origin North West Region of Cameroon (Mezam, Bui, Boyo, Donga-Mantung, Ngo-Ketunjia, Momo, Menchum)
  4. You are willing to attend School or already enrolled into a school

To apply for the Scholarship, Click on your  Level of Education, provide all the necessary information and submit your application for possible assessment

Duplicated applications are strictly prohibited. You are advice to submit only one application per year.

February 2024

Selection of pre-qualified applicants

March 2024
Assessment, Interviews, Referencing, Background Checks etc.

May – June 2024

Final selection, approval by the sponsor and financing of the program

July – August 2024
Enrollment of candidates into various Schools, and other related formalities

September – October 2024
Follow-up, Evaluation, Reports and Feedback

October 2024 – February  2025

Call for new applications


The the scholarship program will run starting from 2024/2025 forward, we depend on you the donors to see the program a success.

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