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Join a Team of Passionate Goodwill Ambassadors

Our Goodwill Ambassadors are unified in their purpose to bring help and hope.  As an Ambassador you are joining a team of passionate and committed volunteers who share the same vision and value the opportunity to connect with others who believe that every life is worth saving.

Help us Achieve our goals

International, Regional and local volunteers including interns or researchers from professional schools and universities.

Be a friends or well-wisher

Goodwill Ambassadors help let the word know who we are and what we do.

Sacrifies for a Cause

Goodwill Ambassadors sacrifice for Goodwill Foundation. You can plan and carry sporting activity or other for potential givers to assist our mission.

Start a Fund Raise

Goodwill Ambassadors can start a fundraising for to raise money that will be used to executing our projects.

Donate Your Skills

Goodwill Ambassadors can donate their skills that can help the foundation reach its goals

Join us in the field

Ambassadors are also with us field to give us a helping hand

Thanks for your interest in volunteering with Goodwill Foundation, all is for the benefits for humanity and you shall never regrete doing something for a fellow human being. please tell us your area of volunteer interest by filling out the form below. Someone will get in touch with you as soon as possible. God Bless You!