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Underprivileged Community Youths Vocational Skills Training

(The Kom Community, CAMEROON)

The Problem

Young people need a hand that can support them through vocational training to equip them with constructive Knowledge and reliable Skills. The creative abilities and livelihood skills of young people also remain low because of limited exposure to skills and development opportunities. The skills gap has led to high unemployment rates is higher at the national level. 50% of youths in the target area are still unemployed. The focus has now been shifted to skills development in order to promote self-employment.....

Volunteer with Us


To empower youth with Vocational Skills and keeping them out of current dangers (Diseases, Armed Conflicts, Early Marriages & unwanted pregnancies), Breaking the burden of vulnerability and having good working conducive environment to enable them obtain a successfully/desirable life so as to eradicate poverty in the Kom community

To fight vulnerability and dependency among the young people in rural community of our project Areas

To facilitate livelihood skills development for 2000 young people by training them using appropriate equipment and materials by the end of 2025

To advocate and mainstream skills training in different areas like, tailoring, computing, catering, mechanics, Electrical works, Plumbing, Metal Works, Embroidering, hairdressing etc.

To reduce the problem of unemployment by 50% amongst the youths in Kom Community

You can help us reach our goal by donations, referring, fund raising or volunteering with us in the field.

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