How to start an NGO in Cameroon
Organization Name
Full Mailing address
23th July 2020.
The Competent Authority.
Dear Sir,
Subject: Application for the Legalization of an NGO
I have the honur most respectful to apply for the official recognition of an association called Organization Name. I was mandated by our general assembly to immediately file this application, so that, we function within the norms as stipulated by Law No 90/053 of 19 December 1990 relating quote accordingly, as read with Law No 99/014 of 22 December 1999 governing Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Country X
Sir, I will be grateful if our application is considered as this will enable us to develop a strategic plan that will begin from 2020. Accept sir our sincere wishes of peace and progress in our nation.
Here attached are the following required documents;
- Minutes of the first general assembly
- Constitution of the association
- Attendance list at first general assembly meeting
- Signed photocopies of national identity cards of executive members
Yours Sincerely
(Founding President)

Attendance at a general assembly meeting creating an NGO called “Organization Name”

The following persons are the members of the board of directors (Executive Committee) of NGO Name

Mindful of the Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon
Mindful of Law No 90/053 of 19 December 1990 relating to Freedom of Association
Mindful of Law No 99/014 of 22 December 1999 governing Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Cameroon
Considering the adoption of global development agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other development objectives that go beyond this limit
Considering that the state of Cameroon is a signatory to the SDGs as a member organization of the United Nations Organization.
Conscious of the central Role of Non-Governmental and Community Based Associations as major partners in promoting and accelerating sustainable development
We a group of committed and patriotic Cameroonians sitting in the Constituent Assembly today, 23th July 2020 in [Full address] Region of Cameroon take up as part of our contribution to xxxx, xxxx, xxxx and xxxxx, and thus the need to form an association to meet up with our vision.
Article 1: Name, location, Status, Vision and Mission
- The association shall be known as Organization Namewith the acronym (xx)
- The headquarters or seat of the association shall be [Full Address] of Cameroon. Cohosted in the premises of xxxxxxx.
- The association shall be a non-profit, apolitical, non-governmental and inclusive
- The association’s vision is to “Create Opportunities for the most vulnerable”
- The mission of the association is to “Reach out to promote xxxxx and xxxx”
Article 2: Area of Jurisdiction and Head Office
- The Area of Jurisdiction of the association shall be the Geographical Area covered by the Territory of the Republic of Cameroon.
- On the Decision of the General Assembly and based on the need of accomplishing its mission, the head office may be transferred to any part of the National Territory of the Republic of Cameroon. However strategic and operational offices maybe created as the need arises.
- Duration: The Organization shall exist for an unlimited number of years
Article 3: Objectives
- The key objectives of the association shall be:
- To setup remedial education and professional development activities
- To organize guidance counseling and psychosocial support activities
- To carryout outreach and empowerment activities to target groups and communities
- To organize capacity building and mentorship activities for target groups
Article 4: Membership
- Membership is opened to everyone without any discrimination of race, gender, disability and to other organizations that are committed to the objectives of the association.
- Must have paid membership dues as follows:
- A membership registration due of 25000 FCFA.
- Annual dues of 15000 FCFA per member.
- Through a partnership convention
Loss of membership can be through:
- Death
- Voluntary withdrawal after a withdrawal letter addressed to the executive committee or general assembly.
- Decisions of the General Assembly.
Article 5: Organs of the association
The association shall be comprised of three organs, namely the General Assembly, The Executive Committee, and Ad-hoc committees.
- A) The General Assembly shall be the decision-making organ of the association with decision taken by simple majority votes as the case may apply. It shall create Ad-hoc committees when need arises.
- B) The Executive Committee (also known as the board of directors) shall be elected by the General Assembly by a simple majority vote. Members shall have a term of office of 5 (five) years renewable. However bi-elections shall be called by either the Executive Committee or the Adviser. The Adviser shall only organize such elections if the Executive Committee fails to call a general assembly meeting for that purpose. The Executive Committee shall comprise of the following positions
- One President and one Vice President.
- One Secretary General
- One Treasurer.
- One Adviser.
- One Executive Director
- Ad-hoc Committees shall be set up for special assignments as defined by the general assembly or the Executive Committee (executive bureau). It shall be made up of the Executive Committee and three floor members nominated by the General Assembly.
The duties of the Executive Committee include
- The president shall
- Preside at all general assembly and Executive committee meetings.
- Ensure that all decisions of the general assembly are executed and reported.
- Ensure the smooth functioning of the association.
- Represent the association as the need arises.
- Be a signatory to the accounts of the association.
- The vice president shall act in the absence of the president and by delegation
- The secretary general shall record all minutes and keep an account of past events, prepare an agenda of all meetings in consultation with the president, and keep the archives of the association.
- The treasurer shall be responsible for keeping passbooks and details of financial transactions. He/She shall also be a signatory to the association’s bank account.
- The adviser shall offer advice to the Executive Committee and General Assembly on matters and decisions concerning the association. He or she shall also organize emergency General Assemblies when the Executive Committee is unable to do so.
Specific duties of an appointed Executive Director: The Executive Director is appointed by the Executive Committee. Shall also be the main contact person of the association. As the principal Public Relations Officer of the association, he or she shall represent the association at the level of the different partners and be responsible for day-to-day operations of the association. He/she shall be assisted by an appointed team consisting of
The duties and responsibilities of the above officers shall be stated in the internal rules and regulations.
- He or she shall submit a yearly Action Plan of the Association to the Executive Committee and to the General Assembly for deliberation and approval.
- He or she shall ensure that the financial records are prepared in time and shall take the lead in the research to increase the resources of the Association. As Chief Executive Officer, he or she shall be the Manager of the organization’s Resources – (human, material, financial) and shall submit reports of his activities to the Executive Committee, and the General Assembly. He or she shall attend all meetings of the association.
- He or she shall sign all Contracts with partners, take the lead in the proper execution of such partnerships and report accordingly
- In executing the programs, he or she shall use his or her competence and expertise to select qualified Resource Persons and Trainers to participate in the project activities and recommend to an adhoc committee charged with recruitment or promotion. He or she shall be the Chairperson of the Adhoc Committees.
Article 6: Financial regulations
- The budget is drawn up by the Executive Committee or General Assembly based on the activities needs and all expenditure must be reported to the General Assembly.
- Revenue shall be derived from
- Membership registration and annual dues.
- Fines from misconduct by members, as determined by the meeting session.
- Contributions as the need may arise. In this case the Executive Committee may decide the fixed amounts.
- Support from other donors and partners.
- Consultancy services to non-members
Failure to pay any contributions on stated deadlines shall lead to the automatic doubling of the agreed rate.
- Expenditure: This shall be by the execution of the budget by the Executive Committee as the need arises or determined by the General Assembly. The expenditure must be reported to the General Assembly.
- Banking: The association shall run a savings account. Other accounts may be created as the need arises. Withdrawals from the account shall be done by the president and the treasurer mandated by the constitution.
Article 7: Socials
To promote solidarity, the association shall organize fundraisers to promote her objectives.
Article 8: Miscellaneous
- Cessation of functioning of the association: This shall be determined by three quarters (3/4) of the General Assembly. The assets and liabilities shall be donated in entirety to another association with similar goals and objectives and shall have no members of GF at its executive position.
- Amendments of the constitution: The Ad-hoc committee shall deliberate on the article(s) concerned; the decisions shall be presented to the General Assembly for adoption. This shall be adopted by three quarters (3/4) of the General Assembly.
Article 9: Date of effect and status of the by-laws
This constitution comes into effect today, 23th July 2020 and shall be the only legal instrument governing the association.
Done in [address] Today, 23th July 2020
Names |
Functions |
Signatures |

Minutes of the constituent General Assembly meeting creating as association [Organization Name]
The meeting was held in [Location], on the 23th July 2020; in attendance were 16 persons (see attendance list) and the following was deliberated upon:
- The need to draw up strategies to promote [state Mission]
The following decisions were arrived at:
- An association was created to develop and implement modern and innovative strategies to promote education, psychological support, social support and counselling services for the most vulnerable
- The association shall be known as [organization Name] with the acronym xx
- The headquarters or seat of the association shall be [Full Address]
- The association shall be a non-profit, apolitical, non-governmental and inclusive association.
The association’s vision is to “Create Opportunities for the Most Vulnerable”
The mission of the association is to “Mission”
Other additional resolutions taken include:
- The Area of Jurisdiction of xx shall be the Geographical Area covered by the Territory of the Republic of Cameroon.
- On the Decision of the General Assembly and based on the need of accomplishing its mission, the head office may be transferred to any part of the National Territory of the Republic of Cameroon. However strategic and operational offices maybe created as the needs arises.
- Duration: The Organization shall exist for an unlimited number of years
- The key objective of the association: This shall be “State Full Mission Statement’’ through the following:
The persons below were elected into the following posts of responsibility to meet up with the implementation of the legal issues related to the creation and functioning of the association.
Name |
Function |
Occupation |
President |
Vice President |
General Secretary |
Treasurer |
Adviser |
Executive Director |
The elected executive committee was then charged with drawing up the constitution of the association for the process of legalization. It was also agreed that the bylaws (internal rules and regulations as well as the board charter) will be drawn up by the pioneer executive and submitted for approval by the second general assembly of the association. The assembly will also review the constitution and make any amendments if necessary and will be charged with the development of a five-year strategic plan for the association. The constitution is attached to these minutes.
It was also resolved that the executive will design other aspects such as the logo and seal to be adopted in the general assembly. Each founding member was to contribute a token of 5000 FCFA to take care of the legalization of the association.
Done in [Location], today 23th July 2020
Name and Signature of General Secretary Name and Signature of President
Name and Signature of Executive Director
